The waiting game.... 39 weeks and 2 days
5 more to go till my due date.
It's 4:30 am Sunday morning and I can't sleep I am so anxious waiting for our little guy to come.
I should've known he'd come in his own time by knowing who his parents are. I can't be told what to do
and as my bro in law, Bryan told us, it took Brett how long to commit to marry me?! ha ha So pretty
much we're screwed... we're having a kid who thinks he's in charge. Silly boy... Which obviously I'm not cause if I was he'd be in my arms right now instead of in my belly! :) We got our baby monitor today thanks to my sister in laws and now all we need is a baby to monitor. I can't wait to see Everett for the first time! I've felt him for the past how many months?!(lost track... everyone's right the last couple weeks really do drag) And to actually hold him in my arms and see what he looks like or more importantly who he looks like. Brett's going to be an amazing dad and I am so excited for him to see him for the first time too! Well Everett will be worth the wait... right!?
These are my fo sho hands... I think? For some reason when I'm in a pic my hands
migrate up to my face some how with some lame sign.... ha ha oh well we all have
our quirks... mine are just more apparent ;)
It was so fun to have Celinda and her family here for Thanksgiving! By the way did I mention
we went and found out she's also having a little boy! Yay a cousin Ev can play with! And they'll only by 5 months apart... unless Ev decides to chill in there longer.... then they'll be closer! (looking at the positive ;))
Here is a pic of one of my darling nieces, Sadie lynn, she is a hooligan and we adore her!
It was her 4th birthday today an this is the princess outfit she got and HAD to wear. Cute kid!